Fike Twinflex Multipoint Sounder Including Base - 204 0001
• The mode of detection required can be simply set by configuring the DLL switch in the detector electronics module. Compliant with European detector type specifications, BS5839: Part 1: 2002.
• A Twinflex Multipoint detector is a single device offering up to seven different modes of operation.
• There are two high performance fire sensors incorporated within the Rafiki Multipoint fire detector, they are; Optical scatter smoke sensor and a Heat sensor.
• Fike Twinflex Multipoint Combined Detector and Sounder: Multi-criteria detector, micro-processor control, and integral sounder.
Smoke 1
• Highly thermally enhanced optical• Used where ionisation detectors are normally fitted, especially when there are high ceilings or a risk of free burning fires.
Smoke 2
• Thermally enhanced optical• Used where optical detectors are normally fitted, when there is a risk of a smouldering fire and for escape routes.
Smoke 3
• Thermally enhanced optical with pulse rejection• Used where optical detectors are normally used in positions expose to brief concentrations of water vapour or smoke e.g. from a bathroom, kettle etc.
Heat 1
• Rate of Rise to 58oC• Used where a standard rate of rise detector would normally be used.
Heat 2
• Low fixed temperature 58oC• Used where a standard fixed temperature heat detector would normally be fitted, suitable for kitchens etc.
Heat 3
• High fixed temperature 90oC• Used where a high fixed temperature heat detector would normally be fitted, suitable for boiler rooms, commercial kitchens etc.